Contract Negotiation


House Rules: Risk / Reward

I’m writing this wearing my new bifocals. They take some getting used to after years of regular glasses and contacts. But, after watching me examine small print like I was Mr. Magoo, my wife convinced me that it was time to take a symbolic plunge toward middle age. I admit to no small amount of […]


How to Get Fired From Your Job as General Counsel to an NFL Team

Tim Tebow is a God in Florida, and he was sitting there in the draft when Jacksonville passed on him. Now, the Jacksonville Jaguars have a new owner. Coincidence? The Jaguars seem to be a terribly run organization. Even the Jags' lawyers can't get it together. The new owner removed the team's general counsel for something that looks like an unforgivable error for a lawyer to make....

Banking Law

House Rules: HIPAA and GLBA and Indemnity, Oh My!

Caveat: I did not write the following dialogue. It is from the “comments” section of one of my columns where I mentioned I’d be writing about HIPAA and GLBA. Unfortunately, I cannot attribute the comments to the persons who wrote them, as they are anonymous; however they are quite apropos of today’s subject: 1) “I […]

Animal Law

Morning Docket: 10.26.11

* Rajabba is appealing his insider trading convictions and prison sentence, but someone needs to suffer for this outrage. Where are Solo and the Wookiee when you need them? [Bloomberg] * PETA is suing SeaWorld on Thirteenth Amendment grounds for enslaving killer whales. Oh, so the only marine animals you’ll help have to be black […]